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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Bloody Roar: Primal Fury

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Game Name : Bloody Roar: Primal Fury
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2002-04-05 18:02:46
Views : 21066

Play as Cronos
Successfully complete the game two times to unlock Cronos the Phoenix.

Play as Ganesha
Successfully complete the game one time to unlock Ganesha the Elephant.

Play as Kohryu
Play the game in arcade mode. Win four consecutive rounds. You will fight Kohryu in the next round. Defeat him, then complete arcade mode to unlock Kohryu the Iron Mole as a selectable character.

Play as Uranus
Defeat Uranus in stage 16 of survival mode. To make this easier, play as Kohryu and enable the "Beast mode", "No walls", and "No blocking" cheats. When the "Ready?" message appears, push them to the corner of the stage and step back. When the "Fight!" message appears, do Kohryu's projectile move (Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Beast). They will fly off for a ring out. Note: This will also unlock her stage.

Fight against Uranus
Successfully complete the game three times to unlock Uranus. She resembles some kind of Minotaur. Alternately, complete time attack mode in under 20 minutes. Next, choose versus mode, highlight the "Next Character" box and press A multiple times, then press B.

Chaos Lab stage
Defeat Uranus in survival mode to unlock her Chaos Lab stage.

Evil Laboratory stage
Successfully complete the game two times to unlock Cronos the Phoenix's Evil Laboratory stage.

Indian Palace stage
Successfully complete the game one time to unlock Ganesha the Elephant's Indian Palace stage.

Movie player option
Successfully complete the game one time to unlock the "Movie Player" option.

Com battle option
Successfully complete the game two times to unlock the "Com Battle" option.

Kid mode
Successfully complete the game three times to unlock the "Kid Mode" option.

Big kid mode
Successfully complete the game four times to unlock the "Big Kid Mode" option.

Super buff (DK) mode
Successfully complete the game five times to unlock the "Super Buff" option.

No walls mode
Successfully complete the game six times to unlock the "Eliminate All Walls" option.

Weak walls mode
Successfully complete the game seven times to unlock the "Weaken All Walls" option.

Break walls only in final round
Successfully complete the game eight times to unlock the "Break Walls" option.

Slow motion mode
Successfully complete the game nine times to unlock the "Low Speed" option.

Turbo mode
Successfully complete the game ten times to unlock the "High Speed" option.

No blocking mode
Successfully complete the game eleven times to unlock the "No Blocking Mode" option.

Expert mode
Successfully complete the game twelve times to unlock the "Max Difficulty" option.

Knock down battle mode
Successfully complete the game thirteen times to unlock the "Knock Down Battle Mode" option.

Human mode
Successfully complete the game fourteen times to unlock the "Human Mode" option.

Beast mode
Successfully complete the game fifteen times to unlock the "Beast Mode" option.

Hyper mode
Successfully complete the game sixteen times to unlock the "Hyper Mode" option. Note: This also unlocks Kohryu the Iron Mole. Kohryu has no ending.

Quick win
Unlock "No walls mode" and play as Wong or Shenlong. Set the game on "One round". When the "Ready?" message appears, run to your opponent and push them as far as you can. Then, press Y (Throw), and he will toss them off and you will get a "Ring Out" win.

Different Bosses
Fighting as the following characters will change the end Boss:

Jenny fights Gado as the Boss.
Stun fights Uranus as the Boss.
Cronos fights Uranus as the Boss.
Busuzima fights Stun as the Boss.
Bakuryu fights Yugo as the Boss.
Alice fights Long as the Boss.
Kohryu fights Uranus as the Boss.

Hyper Beast Form
Press the Z or A + X + Y buttons for Hyper Beast Form. You can transform into Hyper Beast Form at any time during the battle. However, if your Beast Gauge is not flashing, this transformation will cost you health. The more your Beast Gauge is full when you transform, the less life you will lose. The following are the benefits of Hyper Beast Form:

Time stops.

You can shift to another move from any part of a move.

Within the time limit, you can perform Beast Drives without reverting to human form.

Your life gauge recovers at a faster rate than in beast form.

When time runs out and you revert back to human form, the Beast Gauge empties.

Beast Drive
Every character has the same button combination for Beast Drives. To perform a Beast Drive, you must enter in the following button combination while in Beast form. Note: "Beast" is the Beast button (X is default).

First Beast Drive: Press Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Down, Down/Forward, Forward, Beast.

Second Beast Drive: Press Down, Down/Back, Back, Down, Down/Back, Back, Beast.

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